Glamour Crème™ Ultra HD Foundation Palettes .39 oz / 11 g
There are more shades of skin in the world than we could ever imagine. Additionally, skin is never one single color, and those colors often change throughout the year. To make your skin look as natural as possible throughout yearly changes, having a few colors of Glamour Créme™ Foundation on hand is quite helpful. Enter the Glamour Créme™ Ultra HD Foundation palettes. Each palette contains five foundation shades from either warm, cool, or neutral temperature ranges. From these palettes, you can blend your perfect shade as well as add highlights, contours, and color depth to your particular skin tone. Use different combinations throughout the year to adjust for seasonal differences. There is no wrong way to do it! The best part is the cost. For just a few dollars more than a single foundation, you have five colors at your fingertips.